Friday, November 30, 2012


Day 13
  • I want to talk about all the gas that we are wasting every single day. How often do you drive back and forth to work and you are the only one in the car. This is a typical thing that almost all of us Americans do. Why are we being so wasteful and always complaining about gas prices? It is our own fault for raising prices of gas. I want you to start carpooling to work. If you carpool with just one person it will cut your expense on gas in half. That will save you plenty of money. If you can carpool with more than just one person go ahead and do it and cut your expense down even more.
  • Another thing that you need to start carpooling for is sending your kids to school. Not only does this cut down on your expenses it lets your kids have fun with their friends. This is a trending thing in America and many people are doing it.
  • Here are a bunch of reasons why you should start carpooling. By having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each person's travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving. Carpooling is also seen as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduces carbon emissions, traffic congestion on the roads, and the need for parking spaces. I would also like to really express the idea of helping out our environment again. We need to start thinking about more than just our future but also our children’s. So start carpooling today.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Off Brand Products

Off Brands
Day 12
I want to talk to you today about saving money by buying off brands. Yes that’s right why are you spending a fortune buying Tostitos chips. There are off brands that could save you a dollar even a dollar and fifty cents per package.

1.      You can save bunch of money by buying off brand electronics. I have looked at many different computers and many people do not realize that you can by an off brand computer for so much cheaper. You might be saying okay but it has to cost me in performance. No not necessarily it doesn’t have to cost you in performance if you know what you are going to be using the computer for. Google chrome book is costing just $250 and yet if you just want a computer to view the internet this is an excellent computer to buy.

2.      You can also save a bunch of money by buying off brand groceries. I have seen so many people at my local IGA by expensive brands that taste just the same as the off brand grocery. An example that always makes me wonder why a person would buy is the Pepsi product mountain dew. There is an off brand product at IGA stores that is called mountain chill and it tastes exactly like mountain dew. It is about 3 dollars cheaper a 24 pack at the IGA I use to work at.
For now on before you buy a brand name that has been trusted for year I want you to look at the price of the other brands. It might be worth trying the new product and seeing if you like it. It is a great way to save money.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping
Day 11
1.      The first thing I want you to start making a list before you go shopping that way you don’t buy unnecessary stuff. They call it impulse buying for a reason. Humans simply have a tough time resisting the temptation to purchase extras while shopping. Without a list you will buy items that you simply do not need. Even worse is when you forget to purchase the actual item you came to the store for in the first place. Getting all that you need in one trip can help avoid another unnecessary trip and temptation.

2.      The second thing I want you to do when you go shopping is to never go hungry. You will buy extra stuff that you do not need. It is about temptation again and you want to avoid impulse buying at all costs. The best time to go shopping is when you are in a hurry because it will help you buy less and keep your bill low. Just remember to not be in too big of a hurry because you will forget some of your items.

3.      The third thing I want you to try to do is buy in bulk. Whenever you see an amazing deal just buy it in bulk. This way you don’t have to spend more money on this item next time. Remember if you are buying in bulk to check expiration dates. It is useless to buy in bulk if the item expires before you can use it. So remember to do all these things and you will save quite a bit when you are shopping.