Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Paying your Bills

Day 4

Pay your Bills on Time
This is one of the simplest but most challenging things to do for many people. Paying your bills on time will make sure that you don’t have pay that expensive late fee.
1)      Make sure that you have all of your bills.

a.      I would recommend that you buy a calculator(TI-83) from if you don’t already have a calculator.

b.      After you have your calculator make sure that you have plenty of paper and write down all of your bills. Ex) electrical bill, water, etc.

c.      Now that you have all of your bills written on a paper add them up. This will be your fixed costs for each month.

d.      If you don’t make enough money for your fixed costs than you need to get rid of these things or get another job. Ex) If you don’t have enough money coming in for your cable bill. Get RID of you Cable Television.
2)      Make sure that you have your checking book balanced

a.      This might seem like an obvious one but many people overdraft their checking accounts and have to pay a huge fee.

b.      If you are not sure of what is in your checking account go to your bank immediately and find out. Start keeping track of your checking book immediately because the bank isn’t always correct.
Paying your bills on time can save you a lot of money. You are supposed to be doing this anyways so stop being lazy and make sure that you don’t have to pay fees ever again!

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